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Тест "Неправильные глаголы" по английскому языку

Правило: правильные и неправильные глаголы.
Уровень сложности теста: средний (Intermediate).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. I ___ studying when my rude neighbors interrupted me with their loud music.

2. Samantha ___ her promise, so her sister doesn't trust her as much anymore.

3. Tim ___ his wife a beautiful diamond ring for their 25th wedding anniversary.

4. Raymond ___ a lot about gardening and environmental issues. You should ask him about the large garden you want to put into your backyard.

5. Sarah ___ Spanish really well. She lived in Mexico for 5 years.

6. I ___ lemon chicken two weeks ago. I think I want that for supper again today.

7. The armed robber ___ three thousand dollars from the West Valley Bank last Monday.

8. The wind ___ and howled all night long.

9. My father ___ our home in 1990, and he designed it as well.

10. The little boy, who was scared of Santa Claus, ___ to his mother's arm when he saw the man in the red suit for the first time.

В разделе устойчивые выражения представлено большое количество идиоматических, устойчивых, сленговых выражений, фразовых глаголов, пословиц и поговорок, с примерами и пояснениями. Общее количество выражений - несколько тысяч.