Главная » Тесты » Общие установочные тесты » Уровень знания сленговых выражений

Тест "Уровень знания сленговых выражений" по английскому языку

Из предложенных вариантов в каждом вопросе выберите тот, который ближе всего по смыслу подходит к выделенному жирным шрифтом участку предложения.

1. I don't want to stay in this dirty, smelly place.

2. He's really upset because his fish died last night.

3. Things are a little unsure right now. I can't give you a firm answer.

4. Tom has lost a lot of weight so something must be worrying him.

5. Did you see the rock group's performance last night?

6. You shouldn't waste his time or he is going to get angry one of these days.

7. He's a real athlete these days.

8. I need to go to the toilet. Can you show me where it is?

9. I wish he wasn't such a stupid person.

10. I hope dieting will get rid of these lumps of fat around my waist.

11. You want me to tell him? I won't do it.

12. He is such a dull and boring person.

13. This is a bit cold. Can you put it in the microwave and heat it up?

14. She is crazy if she thinks I care.

15. He only likes doing jobs where he can make an easy profit.

16. The business is doing very well and they are really making a lot of money.

17. He has two young children running around his house.

18. Tom is trying hard to succeed in buying some hash.

19. It's still available, if you want it.

20. Let's stop work and relax this weekend.

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