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Тест "Уровень знания сленговых выражений" по английскому языку

Из предложенных вариантов в каждом вопросе выберите тот, который ближе всего по смыслу подходит к выделенному жирным шрифтом участку предложения.

1. After staying awake late at night studying, I felt tired the next day.

2. I don't want to stay in this dirty, smelly place.

3. I can't believe he put salt in the sugar basin. He's such a stupid person.

4. Dave is the best player on the team.

5. I feel really depressed when I think of how many problems I have.

6. Where's the alcohol kept around here?

7. I wouldn't live in such a cheap place if I didn't have to.

8. Wasn't that a really obscene movie?

9. Things are a little unsure right now. I can't give you a firm answer.

10. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand.

11. Do you have any marijuana?

12. You shouldn't waste his time or he is going to get angry one of these days.

13. I wish he wasn't such a stupid person.

14. How can he criticize it so much when he's never been to that city.

15. You want me to tell him? I won't do it.

16. He is such a dull and boring person.

17. This is a bit cold. Can you put it in the microwave and heat it up?

18. The business is doing very well and they are really making a lot of money.

19. Tom is trying hard to succeed in buying some hash.

20. I get bad feelings about him.

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