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Тест "Уровень знания фразовых глаголов" по английскому языку

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. When he tried to balance his checkbook, he found that things just didn't ___.

2. No one at the office expected him to lose his temper and ___ the way he did.

3. Candace has a bad habit of ___ in front of others.

4. He didn't ___ to new concepts easily.

5. They ___ the hotel late last night.

6. Randy always tried to ___ on rainy days.

7. Rick ___ a terrible cold this week.

8. Bruce ___ of school when he was only fifteen years old and then took on a job.

9. The couple ___ many forms before they could immigrate to England.

10. Rick's father and mother didn't ___ with his grandparents and were always having disagreements.

11. You'll need to ___ your assignments by Friday.

12. The rich families ___ poor people in this area.

13. Ray hadn't seen his friend in years, but he decided to ___ anyway.

14. The couple decided to kiss and ___ after the day-long argument.

15. He decided to ___ his past mistakes by doing some good in his community.

16. Heidi ___ an old friend while she was shopping last week.

17. The girl with the purple hair wants to ___ from the group.

18. The 'T' in the acronym ___ 'Time'.

19. Kelly ___ her mother. They have many of the same interests.

20. Marg wanted to ___ the old sofa, but her husband couldn't part with it.

С помощью тестов можно проверить как общее знание языка в целом, так и знание некоторых его аспектов в частности. В разделе тесты все тестирования поделены по типу, а также по уровню сложности. Узнайте свой уровень владения английским.