В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. Marty often ___ important issues at the meetings.
2. He didn't ___ to new concepts easily.
3. He wants to ___ as a mean boss so his employees will work hard for him.
4. Lisa was ___ her friends to help her move.
5. Lawrence is trying to ___ on fatty foods.
6. The children tried to ___ a way of getting to the concert on their own.
7. Rick's father and mother didn't ___ with his grandparents and were always having disagreements.
8. You'll need to ___ your assignments by Friday.
9. Laurie decided to ___ after the fourth ring.
10. At long last the storm is starting to look like it's going to ___.
11. He started to ___ his life and then decided to take another trip.
12. The sheriff said he would ___ the crime a bit more thoroughly.
13. Before Sheila died from a long battle with cancer, she asked her sister to ___ her children.
14. He decided to ___ his past mistakes by doing some good in his community.
15. The kids ___ Trent because he is different.
16. Kathleen felt like she had to ___ with a lot from her family.
17. The girl with the purple hair wants to ___ from the group.
18. I decided to ___ organic cooking.
19. Leila was feeling blue, so she went shopping to ___ some new outfits.
20. Lilly likes to ___ early in the morning so that she's fit for work.