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Тест "Уровень знания фразовых глаголов" по английскому языку

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. When he tried to balance his checkbook, he found that things just didn't ___.

2. Lenny didn't ___ when his superior reprimanded him.

3. Sue felt she should ___ on her math skills before she started school.

4. Candace has a bad habit of ___ in front of others.

5. They ___ the hotel late last night.

6. Rick ___ a terrible cold this week.

7. The architect ___ some blueprints for you last week.

8. Bruce ___ of school when he was only fifteen years old and then took on a job.

9. The children tried to ___ a way of getting to the concert on their own.

10. Karen had to ___ for Dave while he was away on vacation.

11. Rick's father and mother didn't ___ with his grandparents and were always having disagreements.

12. Karen didn't want to ___, so she went over the wedding list one more time.

13. He started to ___ his life and then decided to take another trip.

14. The rich families ___ poor people in this area.

15. The couple decided to kiss and ___ after the day-long argument.

16. The little corner store often ___ bread near the end of the week.

17. Bob's father taught him to be firm and to ___ for what he believes.

18. The teacher asked her students to ___ the assignments by Friday at noon.

19. John tried to ask Cara out on a date, but she ___.

20. Lilly likes to ___ early in the morning so that she's fit for work.

Частые ошибки
Ошибки свойственны всем - как начинающим изучение английского, так и тем, кто находится на стадии его совершенствавания. Раздел часто совершаемые ошибки поможет вам избежать их появления в будущем.