Топик на тему Moscow 2 на английском языке

Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre.

Moscow is the largest metropolitan area in Russia with the population of about 10 million people, one of the largest cities in the world. The city is situated on low hills on the banks of the Moskva River. The original settlement was founded where the Kremlin now stands. Because of its central location in the heart of European Russia, Moscow became a focal point for important trade routes.

Moscow was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1147. It is the official date of the foundation of Moscow, though the settlement had been there for some time before. It was fortified and became a market town in the late 12th century. The town was almost totally destroyed in 1237 and 1293 during the Tatar invasion. In the early 14th century Moscow became the political and religious centre of the north-eastern part of Russia. It was again captured by the Tatars in 1382. By the end of the 15th century, Moscow extended its rule over most of central and northern Russia. Its rulers continued to build fortifications around it.

The transfer of the capital by Peter the Great to St. Petersburg in 1712 brought a period of decline to Moscow. In 1812 came the Napoleon's conquest and the city was destroyed by fire. The city was rebuilt within a short period. In the 19th century Moscow became a centre for industry and commerce, as well as a leading cultural, scientific and political centre.

Moscow is the seat of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Moscow is the Russia's largest industrial city. Nearly 30 percent of the city's workforce is employed in industry and industrial research. Some of Russia's largest plants are located in or around Moscow. Metallurgy, metal processing and engineering are the largest industrial sectors. Other large sectors arc textiles, clothing and footwear, chemical and petrochemical industries, electronic instruments and automation equipment.

Moscow, apart from its political, administrative and economic functions as the capital of Russia, it is its leading cultural centre. It is the seat of the Academy of Sciences. The Russia's largest University, over 80 scientific, research institutions, technical colleges and academies of music and art are situated here. The city also contains the Lenin Library, with one of the largest and richest archives in the world, over 80 museums, the famous Bolshoi and Maly Theatres, opera and ballet. It is one of the world's largest publishing centres. Moscow is the Russia's main tourist attraction.

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