Правила: имя прилагательное, наречие.
В каждом предложении выберите по смыслу прилагательное или наречие. Например: This job is very (hard / hardly). – This job is very hard.
1. After the flood the water levels remained very highhighly.
2. The dentist said, "Open widewidely."
3. He's a cheat, a liar and a fraud and lastlastly he's extremely rude.
4. Kevin is extremeextremely clever.
5. The hamburger tastes awfulawfully.
6. Robin looks sadsadly. What's the matter with him?
7. Our basketball team played badbadly last Friday.
8. Maria slowslowly opened her present.
9. I was suddensuddenly surprised by Alice.
10. Jason complained about his classes constantconstantly.