Правило: артикль.
Заполните пропуски в предложениях артиклями (a, an, the). Если артикль не требуется, оставьте пропуск пустым.
1. "Excuse me, is hospital in this road?" "No. Cross road, then turn to left and then to right." "Thanks lot."
2. My daughter goes to college. She's second year student.
3. I know him. He's very kind person.
4. I see bottle of pineapple juice on kitchen table.
5. There is sofa in corner of room.
6. There are two pets in house: cat and dog.
7. Every day my husband goes to work, my son goes to school and I go to institute.
8. We don't go to school on Sunday.
9. Is there refrigerator in your kitchen?
10. We listened to very interesting lecture on English literature yesterday.