В каждом предложении выберите грамматически правильный вариант из предложенных.Например: Have you (saw / seen) him? = Have you seen him?
1. The storm prevented us to gous from going on a picnic.
2. A man's concept of liberty is different from a womana woman's.
3. Hijacking is considered a moremost serious crime than kidnapping.
4. HoweverAlthough he didn't like her, he invited her out.
5. I'm sure there's no secret between you and Iyou and me.
6. Never I have seenNever have I seen such bad accident.
7. I don't know where the bookstore isis the bookstore.
8. John, as well as his brother, isare coming to the party.
9. AfterAfterwards we walked home.
10. He flunked biology. Now he wishes he studiedhad studied more.