Фразовые глаголы. Урок английского языка

Правило: фразовые глаголы.

Заполните пропуски во фразовых глаголах в предложениях требующимися предлогами.
Например: We need to get ___ this train. – We need to get off this train.

1. He imitated the boss' voice and took us completely.

2. The man shouted angrily, but we stood to him.

3. My grandfather always catches with the news.

4. We cannot play football here. The sign says, "Keep the grass."

5. I had just fallen asleep when the alarm went .

6. With 10 dollars per day, one can hardly get .

7. Due to the lack of interest, we had to call the meeting .

8. His unbelievable story turned to be true.

9. Would you like to eat tonight? There's a new restaurant in town.

10. How do you get with your classmates?

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