Тест "Местоимения" по английскому языку

Правило: местоимение.
Уровень сложности теста: начальный (Elementary).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. I really love ___ house. I'm so glad we bought it.

2. No, this tree does not belong to you. This tree belongs to ___ because the roots begin and end in our yard. However, you can trim the branches that fall onto your side of the fence.

3. Those kids should know better. ___ shouldn't tease that boy anymore.

4. Why don't you come with ___? We're going to have a great time at the party.

5. Children usually learn how to eat, by ___, by about age five.

6. Where is ___ hockey stick? You can't play hockey without it.

7. Why don't you trust ___? I said I would do it and I will.

8. The dog sat down and licked ___ paws.

9. It's all ___ fault. He shouldn't have lied to his mother in the first place.

10. Normally, I would say that you should apologize for ___ behavior. However, this time, I think he got what he deserved.

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