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Тест "Недлительные (статальные) глаголы" по английскому языку

Правило: типы глаголов.
Уровень сложности теста: начальный (Elementary).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. I ___ some financial problems last year, but I'm in a better position now.

2. Your new landlord ___ nice and friendly.

3. My husband ___ new glasses. We have to go to the eye doctor tomorrow.

4. I ___ you are a very attractive person.

5. It ___ like you have something on your mind. Do you want to talk about it?

6. I ___ bad about the harsh things I said yesterday. Can you forgive me?

7. I love the flowers on your table. They ___ beautiful!

8. I ___ cheesecake so much. I just had some yesterday.

9. I ___ you to pick me up at 4:30 pm tomorrow.

10. I ___ a red car. My husband's car is white.

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