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Тест "Уровень знания фразовых глаголов" по английскому языку

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. When he tried to balance his checkbook, he found that things just didn't ___.

2. Ken really likes Kirstie, but he's too nervous to ___.

3. Lenny didn't ___ when his superior reprimanded him.

4. No one at the office expected him to lose his temper and ___ the way he did.

5. No one in the group could believe that Sally and Steve ___.

6. Marty often ___ important issues at the meetings.

7. The guard had to ___ the dogs when the master approached the locked gate.

8. He didn't ___ to new concepts easily.

9. The custody battle ___ for many months.

10. Laurie decided to ___ after the fourth ring.

11. The company was experiencing financial problems, so they had to ___ fifty employees.

12. He started to ___ his life and then decided to take another trip.

13. The sheriff said he would ___ the crime a bit more thoroughly.

14. Billy was so tired that he was ___ in class.

15. Ken ___ the best fruit at the supermarket.

16. Jeremy didn't want to ___ the wedding any longer.

17. The girl with the purple hair wants to ___ from the group.

18. Bob's father taught him to be firm and to ___ for what he believes.

19. Kelly ___ her mother. They have many of the same interests.

20. Bryan tapped Pauline on the shoulder so she would ___ and see the parade approaching behind them.

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