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Тест "Написание писем" по английскому языку

Уровень сложности теста: высший (Advanced).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. 'Cut' I should have thought was an essential ___ of any lawnmower.

2. ___ the grass was flat but it was still as long as when I had started.

3. What I would like you to do is to pay me ___ my money and take 'Supercut' away.

4. Finally I want someone to come and cut my grass at your ___.
Yours faithfully, Herb Grass.

5. She puts it another way and says she will be able to make an ___ man of me.

6. This brings me to another point: why aren't you and Sara tying the ___?

7. Let me have your ___ as soon as possible.
Your old friend, Mick.

8. I am sure I could very easily ___ all the requirements of the job.

9. I am sure I could ___ my skills as a waiter to the tasks that are needed for your advertised post.

10. Finally I look forward to ___ from you and as you will understand I don't want to 'wait' very long.
Yours faithfully,
I.A.M. Hopeful.

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