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Тест "Предлоги on, in, under, out" по английскому языку

Правило: предлоги.
Уровень сложности теста: высший (Advanced).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. What are you ___ such a hurry for? You need to slow down because people make a lot of mistakes when they rush.

2. I always feel that my goals are just ___ of reach. I'm still unable to acquire all of things I want and that I work so hard to achieve.

3. ___ addition to the textbook, you also have to buy the new edition of the workbook because you will need both this semester.

4. Simon is ___ a lot of stress at the moment. His wife left and he just lost his job.

5. ___ all likelihood, I will not retire this year but I do want you to know that I will probably do so in the next five years.

6. I want everyone to be ready to go by 7 am because I want to be ___ the road by 7:30 at the latest. I want to get a good start on this road trip so we can arrive at our destination before dark.

7. I go jogging ___ a regular basis. I usually go jogging every morning before work. I like routines, and I like to keep in shape.

8. We are ___ good terms now. We had a disagreement about the budget last week but we've worked out our differences and everything is OK now.

9. Your proposal is ___ consideration right now. The approval process takes about six weeks. We'll contact with a decision at that time.

10. It's supposed to be a clear and beautiful evening tonight. We don't need a tent. We can just sleep ___ the stars.

В разделе устойчивые выражения представлено большое количество идиоматических, устойчивых, сленговых выражений, фразовых глаголов, пословиц и поговорок, с примерами и пояснениями. Общее количество выражений - несколько тысяч.