Исправить ошибки. Урок английского языка

В каждом предложении есть ошибка. То место, в котором эта ошибка находится, выделено жирным шрифтом. Вам необходимо найти и понять ошибку, и вписать в поле правильный вариант этого участка (целое предложение переписывать не нужно). В предложении может быть как одна ошибка, так и несколько.
Например: He did not went there. = He did not go there.

1. Did you take my car's key for mistake?

2. Payment of all accounts should make on cash within ten days.

3. I recommended that he comes on time for the interview.

4. They lightened the weight of the box by remove several things from it.

5. Very little scientists come up with completely new answers to the world's problems.

6. I'm looking forward to see you again.

7. The leading runner was two miles further ahead.

8. Our last two days in Florida were slightly spoiled with the weather.

9. Margareth showed proudly her mother the prize she had gotten in the competition.

10. This ticket entitles you for a free meal in our new cafeteria.

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